
Develop a user flow map with wireframes for your project as well as a mood board for the visual layer. The mood board can be a collage, Pinterest board or any other collection of visual references that inspire you. Use your mood board to try to capture the feeling you hope to convey to your users in your product.


Who Am I Designing For

For this iteration I decided to clarify who I am building this for. I have decide to focus on people who are actively looking to improve their media literacy. The person has this goal, but is unsure how to achieve it. Second, I am designing for a person who is comfortable using the web browser. In this case, that includes being able to install a browser extension with or without minimal instructions.

The Steno Notebook

For the look of the app I have decided to model it after a Steno Notebook (reporters notebook). The idea is to help the person feel as though they are the reporter/fact finder. To get them into the “questioning” mindset. Further, the point is not for the person to take extremely detailed notes and spend hours doing research. They aim is to take quick reference notes to help them come to a final conclusion.

User FLow

For the user flow and wireframing I used Balsmaiq.

User Flow - Balsamiq

Screenshot of User Flow
[ Screenshot of User Flow ]


Sketch Of FACTAPP Interface
[ Sketch Of FACTAPP Interface ]

Mood Board

For the mood board I used pinterest.

Mood Board - Pinterest

Screenshot of MoodBoard
[ Screenshot Of MoodBoard ]

Next Steps

One thing I know I am missing is a final action for the user to do to determine whether or not to trust their article. This is both to complete the experience and so they can reference the note in the future.

Looking forward I really need to focus on the app functionality. Specifically, designing it to be quick to use and simple to navigate. I have a feeling I will need to focus on readability and ease of use. If it is annoying interferes with reading articles people may abandon it quickly.

For user testing I want to start with just a notebook and the main steps blocked out. Then when the person asks fort more information on what to do for a section, trial different description’s and and presentation methods. Do they want examples?

Last, I would want to build some kind of app home or section where the person can review or scroll through their prior research.